Spring Clean Your Routine đŸȘ·

Hello Beautiful Soul,

Spring is here and if you’re like most people you might be feeling pulled to open the windows and do some spring cleaning. Spring cleaning can mean lots of things -- organizing a drawer,  purging clothes that you haven’t worn in a decade, getting rid of decor that secretly bugs you or even saying no to a social event that will just exhaust you. At Orange Poppy we are of course focused on what spring cleaning means for your skin.

When approached with the right attitude, Spring Cleaning of any kind can be a powerful act of self-care and provide a feeling of satisfaction. Orange Poppy Spa is here to support you.

In honor of Spring Cleaning, Enjoy 20% off all Cleansers and Scrubs.

Be Radiant!

1. Spring Clean Your Skin Care Routine

Did you know that the average American woman owns over 40 skin care and make-up products. You might be thinking this statistics would be thrilling to a spa owner but honestly it just highlights how many of the “wrong” products we all have wasting space in our drawers and medicine cabinets. I would much rather you have half as many products that are high quality and actually work.

Start by getting rid of any products that have expired, you obviously did not like them anyway. This includes all mascara that has been open for 3-months; it’s a breeding ground for bacteria.

If you’re feeling overwhelmed, schedule a SKIN CARE CONSULTATION with a Licensed Esthetician at Orange Poppy Spa. Scoop everything you have, regardless of brand, into a tote bag and bring it in. We will help you understand the ingredients and custom tailor a home care and service plan to achieve the results you desire.Your $50 consultation fee will be credited towards any products purchased or services scheduled that day. And don’t worry, we’re not here to judge, we’re here to help.

2. Spring Clean Your Pores

We offer facials custom-tailored to meet all of your specific needs. If clean, clear and refreshed skin is your goal here are our top picks:

Welcome to clear, glowing skin. This customized Face Reality facial will address the specific needs of your skin on your path to being acne free. For best results we recommend scheduling every two weeks for 90-days. Instructions on adjusting and optimizing your home care routine for best results are included with this facial.

Instant gratification at it’s finest! Clear away dead cells, clean out your pores, improve the appearance of imperfections such as fine lines, light wrinkles, age spots, congested skin, hyperpigmentation and more. Don’t settle for skin that’s anything less than luminous.

Cleanse, Exfoliate, Extract, Mask, Massage, Infuse, Hydrate, Glow

This non-invasive, skin resurfacing procedure is an excellent treatment to remove dead skin cells, peach fuzz and enhance the absorbency of facial products. 


COMING SOON ... We are moments away from being able to quickly, effectively and affordably treat a wide variety of Minor Skin Irregularities utilizing a non-invasive, FDA approved device that produces precise results. While you are getting rid of old clothes we can get rid of unwanted cherry angiomas, cholesterol deposits, skin tags and much more.

Boost Your Skin Health with this month’s special:

20% OFF all Cleansers and Scrubs 

Perrin Chipouras